Hey, I’m Mitesh.

I am a Clarity Engineer who helps people navigate the internal facets of life: work, relationships, and career. Over the years, I have developed different techniques and processes that are proven effective for a diverse group of people across various aspects of life.

Clarity Newsletter

Every Saturday morning, you’ll get 1 tip to improve your daily life. Get insights today like how to make clear decisions.

Life Mastery Program

This program aims to drastically reduce mental noise and agitation using clear and rational approaches.

Clarity Coaching

I offer coaching sessions to help bring you clarity, share every day life systems, and loads of inspiration.

At the core of my approach lie three essential principles: Clarity, Congruence, and Harmony.

In today’s fast-paced world, information is abundant, but purpose is a rare gem. Distractions lurk around every corner, making clarity a precious commodity. Choices abound, but meaningful decisions are seldom made. Courage, too, is a rarity, and with it comes congruencethe art of aligning our inner and outer worlds.

Join me on my mission to embrace Clarity, Congruence, and Harmony. Together, we navigate the complexities of life, fostering authentic connections, and living with purpose. Rediscover these invaluable qualities that are often overlooked in our modern world.

Happiness will always be found in the Truth!

– Mo Gawdat


Engaging with Mitesh is a thought-provoking, inspiring, and mind-expanding experience. He challenges my perspectives, guiding me to seek not just short-term answers but lasting solutions. He has transformed the way I think and interact with my own thoughts, adding immense value to my life.

Aidan Sommer

United States


Mitesh’s ability to cut through confusion and prompt deep self-reflection is exceptional. He has helped me find clarity and live a more congruent life effortlessly, even during challenging times. I wholeheartedly recommend Mitesh, especially if you’re seeking clarity amidst confusion and uncertainty.

Chris Ochs

United States


Mitesh has my transformed my life in every aspect in the last five years: in my highest highs and my lowest lows. His guidance has always made me walk out with my chin higher in times of loss, trauma, limiting habits and exploring my life’s goals. His style of surgically dissecting sprinkles wisdom and insight in my life to propel me toward growth, clarity, and confidence.

Alex Glahn

Ohio, United States


Over the years, Mitesh has helped me uncover a deep intuition for how to live, feel, and act without confusion. He has this unique ability to ask questions that pierce through uncertainty and provoke true understanding. His passion and patience make him an exceptional guide, and I will always be thankful to have learned from him. I honestly recommend him for anyone craving simplicity and congruence in their lives.

Jake Huseman

United States


Mitesh has had a profound impact on my life and discovering who I am and want to be guiding me through difficult times and also shown me to appreciate the easy times. His genuine care and unique ability to understand people have helped me become more mindful of my habits and behaviors, making me a more thoughtful and caring person. Mitesh has played a key role in my personal growth journey.

Nick Heminger

Ohio, United States


Mitesh is the mentor I never knew I needed helping me explore and get clarity of topics surrounding my fears and aspirations. Our conversations have helped me navigate through my thoughts and emotions to extract what I truly want. He brings kindness, compassion, and respect to the conversations and strives to leave you with a better understanding than when you started.

Sadie Gladden

United States